Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Hot stuff

With the help of a select panel of bloggers including Largehearted Boy, Information Leafblower has compiled a list of the Top 40 Bands / Artists In America Today.

Yes, it's a list! And it's not even the end of the year yet! But who cares? As is the way with these things, the list itself makes for interesting reading (Ted Leo & The Pharmacists out on top with Wilco and Interpol making up the top three), but the real pleasure comes from immersing yourself in the sea of comments the original post has generated. Some people take the opportunity to take issue with choices and to suggest their own, whilst others gripe about the homogeneity of the whole list - but hey, that's natural when it's compiled from the views of several different bloggers.

The complete list of nominees can be found here.

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