Tuesday, January 18, 2005

A force for change

A coalition of charities, including Oxfam, has seized upon the extraordinary public response to the Asian tsunami as an indicator that we in the Western world do care about poverty and suffering in developing countries.

"The generosity shown to the victims of the Tsunami should be the beginning of a real determination to end the avoidable suffering which natural disasters, conflicts and poverty inflict on so many people in all poor countries. Every day, 30,000 children die from poverty related causes. World leaders should seize the opportunity in 2005 to Make Poverty History by taking action on aid, cancelling debt relief and delivering trade justice."

Please help to keep this spirit of concern and generosity alive by clicking here.

It would be fantastic if some good arose from the tragedy, and it marked a real shift in attitudes towards those less fortunate. As a cynic, I'd be delighted to be proved wrong about people.

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